
主演:เฟรชชี่ ตวงภพ,กานต์ กุลานุพงศ์,เธโอ ชิระ,เอมีน ศิริตา

导演:สราวุธ อินทรพรหม


类型:泰剧 剧情,同性



    • 爱到疯狂

    • 更新30


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    • HD国语|原声中字版


    • 爱的激情


    in general, the movie shows the story about what the gay man will be faced with when he give birth to a baby by surrogate.

    for the child, he will be discriminated by his classmates his surroundings. As a person who always taking the life at the first place I always wonder why the the child always want to commit the suicide so easily, but taking what he has experienced that he has been discriminated from he is very young , it's more acceptable for his mentally weakness. that is exactly what the movie want to show us that is the child of the gay man can't lead a happy life which is affected by his surroundings

    and for the father Aek, when I watch movie I always think about why he can't find another man to take care of his baby after his bf has died because of the car accident. he is so handsome man who has got so nice body shape and good-looking face and what's the most important, he has got a pink nipple !! (I can't move my eyes out of his pink nipple everytime he took off his shirt). however everytime I see the father Aek, what he experienced remind me about the problem that I worry about all the time which is what should I do when I'm in my middle age but I lose my partner who I met and with from young age for no matter what kind of reason, such as the partner has got an accident or we break up. even though the main character, handsome Aek lead the lonely life. what my life in middle age will be like when I'm at my middle age, I get fat and the skin of my face is not so smooth any more because of the exhausted working for earning my living. if I worry about more, there are a lot of gay man who can't find the partner when he is young. how do they find the partner in their middle age. this is the other point that I get from the movie.

    except for the two serious pionts I proposed, the movie is so sex-arousing. there are five occasions describing that two men have sex clearly. and there is a quick shot showing the audience a glimpse of te big dick of the neighbour Tum. it's so big and long, when I see it, I can't help saying wow.